About Us

About Us

The Richmond and Hounslow Circuit is a circuit within the London District of the Methodist Church. We are collection of individual churches who work together and resource each other while still maintaining great diversity across our churches.

The circuit operates in a large area of West London, it’s churches serve diverse communities that span the entire range of race, class, sexuality and age. Some of our churches are small, others larger, but they all have a warm welcome in common.

The circuit also runs two mission projects, the Roehampton Urban Mission and the CEDARS Youth Project. You can find out more about these on this site.

The Circuit Meeting includes representatives from all churches in the circuit and oversees the running of the circuit. The circuit has two presbyters stationed with us and two deacons. In addition it employs an administrator and youth worker. Day to day running of the circuit is overseen by the ministers and circuit stewards.